Kamala Gives Statement After Attack On Israel

So, let’s get this straight. The main argument coming from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or whoever they send to the mic is that it was pure “chaos” under Donald Trump. That’s their big sell? They’ve been shouting this for years now as if repeating it will somehow make voters forget what’s happening right now. Newsflash: no one’s buying it.

Kamala Harris is out there trying to pretend like she’s not tied to Joe Biden’s policies. But, c’mon. Her domestic agenda is just a carbon copy of Biden’s, and everyone knows it. That’s probably why she’s polling as one of the worst Democrats ever among union and working-class voters. Not exactly a shocker when your economic policies feel like they’re written by someone who’s never met a working-class person. The bottom line? Voters aren’t dumb, and Kamala can’t run away from the mess she’s helped create.

But here’s the kicker: the chaos they’re so worried about is already here. It’s not a hypothetical “if Trump wins” scenario. We’re living it right now, thanks to this administration. Want proof? Let’s start with the longshoreman strike—the first in decades. You’ve got supply chains disrupted, businesses on edge, and no clear leadership from Kamala or Joe. Throw in the sluggish, almost laughable response to Hurricane Helene, where flood victims could be without power or clean water for weeks, and you start to wonder—who’s in charge here?

This is all they’ve got? Disgraceful.

Oh, and let’s not forget the massive ballistic missile strike against Israel, courtesy of Iran, which clearly knows they can push this administration around. Kamala’s response to that disaster? A wooden, rehearsed line reading. Does she even understand the gravity of what’s happening? Meanwhile, Biden’s holed up in the Situation Room—no doubt fumbling through another crisis.

Let’s rewind for a second. Under Trump, were ballistic missiles raining down on Israel? No. Instead, we had the Abraham Accords, which opened up peace talks between Israel and Arab nations. Inflation wasn’t sky-high either. The economy was booming, wages were up, workers were pocketing bonuses, and unemployment was at historic lows. It was a time of record consumer and small business confidence. So, again, where was the chaos? Because, looking around, it feels like the real chaos started when Biden and Harris took over.

Now we’ve got strikes, inflation, geopolitical disasters, and a government that’s either asleep at the wheel or just doesn’t care. The truth is, the Democrats’ narrative of Trump equals chaos was always a stretch, but today, it was blown to smithereens. What we’re witnessing now, under this administration, makes their old argument look like a bad joke.


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