KJP Makes Comments On Hunter During AF1 Gaggle

You know, folks, there’s a phrase attributed to Obama that an unnamed Democrat told Politico about a few years ago.

An unnamed source told Politico that Obama once warned, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”

Joe is at it again and we’ll explain how this all ties together.

First off, the White House is currently not ruling out a possible commutation for Hunter Biden, the president’s son, who was recently convicted on three federal gun charges.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One as President Joe Biden traveled to the Group of Seven summit in Italy, addressed the issue. She noted, “As we all know, the sentencing hasn’t even been scheduled yet,” as Hunter is facing up to 25 years in prison.

This statement came on the heels of President Biden’s definitive stance on pardoning his son. In a recent ABC News interview, Biden clearly ruled out the possibility of a pardon, a position reiterated by Jean-Pierre: “He was very clear, very upfront, obviously very definitive.” However, when it came to the question of a commutation, Jean-Pierre simply stated, “I just don’t have anything beyond that.”

Hunter Biden’s conviction revolves around lying on a mandatory gun purchase form about his illegal drug use and illegally possessing the firearm for 11 days. These charges carry a potential sentence of up to 25 years in prison. The final decision on Hunter Biden’s sentence will be made by U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika.. As of now, no sentencing date has been set.

So follow me here…

Hunter gets convicted and the media begins their glowing coverage of how great Biden is and how this shows Trump’s trial is fair and no one is above the law.

Below is another great example….

Now, according to KJP, Biden may commutation his son’s sentence, which many will argue proves Trump’s point things are “rigged.”

Only Biden would screw up glowing coverage like this and not wait for a least a few days before a statement like this.




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