NYT’s Columnist Reports On Alleged Request

    In a sharp critique, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd has accused the Biden campaign of exerting pressure to alter the wording in an article that captured a recent verbal slip by President Biden. In her Sunday column, titled “Joe Biden, in the Goodest Bunker Ever,” Dowd elaborated on her experience following her Saturday column, which quoted Biden telling ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he would remain content in the race, even if Trump won, as long as he did “the goodest job” he could. This phrase was also initially transcribed by ABC News before it was changed to “I did the good as job as I know I can do,” with an editor’s note explaining the update was made for clarity.

    Dowd recounted that T.J. Ducklo, a Biden campaign spokesman, contacted her to highlight the corrected transcript and suggested she modify her column to align with ABC’s updated version. Dowd and her researcher had reviewed the interview multiple times, concluding that Biden did indeed say “goodest.” Despite this, Ducklo insisted that the Times should follow ABC News’ correction, as they conducted the interview and had verified the transcript.

    What’s funny is that with all the heat on them right now the Biden team still made the request. You can tell Dems are not accustomed to dealing with the press.

    When pressed about whether the Biden team influenced ABC to revise the transcript, Ducklo denied any undue pressure, asserting that ABC News makes independent editorial decisions. He further explained that ABC had rechecked the audio tape, leading to the correction, a process that left Dowd perplexed.

    Dowd speculated that the White House’s intervention stemmed from a desire to manage the narrative around Biden’s age and verbal missteps. She expressed frustration with the White House’s handling of the situation, noting that Biden’s muddled response in the interview had been poorly received regardless of the exact wording.

    The Press is just unloading on Biden at this point.

    However, how many of these requests were done before the now infamous debate and the press complied?



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