College Stops Some Staff From Entering Campus Citing Safety Concerns

At Columbia University, a recent incident involving an Israeli-born professor has stirred controversy. Shai Davidai, an assistant professor at Columbia Business School and an outspoken supporter of Israel, reported being barred from the university’s main campus at Morningside Heights. According to Davidai, his key card was deactivated, which prevented his entry, leading to pro-Israel protesters rallying at the gates, chanting for his admission.

Watch the video below, the administration at the school have completley lost control.

The university’s Chief Operating Officer, Cas Holloway, informed Davidai that his access was restricted because the university could not ensure his safety on the main campus. Interestingly, Davidai’s access to the Manhattanville campus, where he teaches, remained active. He highlighted this situation as ironic, stating that the university appears to value the contributions of Jewish academics but restricts their access in certain areas.

Davidai criticized the administration for what he perceives as a double standard in safety measures. He claimed that while the administration was actively ensuring the safety of anti-Israel protesters, who he accused of inciting violence against Jewish students, it failed to protect Jewish individuals like himself.

These encampments are starting to popup all over the place.

In response to the escalating tensions, Columbia’s President Minouche Shafik announced the cancellation of in-person classes on the eve of Passover and expressed deep sadness over the divisions on campus. She acknowledged the fears for safety voiced by various student communities and outlined steps to enhance security.

Below is an example what took place over the weekend:

The situation has also received attention from local religious leaders, with a prominent rabbi advising Jewish students at Columbia and nearby Barnard College to stay off campus until the unrest subsides.


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